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SAVE 56% when you order the complete library. Isaiah says revelation comes "Here a little, there a little, precept upon precept." Each book contains new revelation not found in the books which came before, building our faith step by step. Buy the entire library so you won't miss anything. Every book is loaded with tidbits of spiritual truths we all need for the coming days!
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Experience the Bible like never before as God speaks to us about His own word. It's as if Jesus is sitting next to you while you read, explaining everything. Fascinating study. Set contains verse by verse commentary of Job, Isaiah, The Psalms and Leviticus.
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Take your relationship with God to the next level with these books geared toward those in the body who want to go deep, and they don't care how much it costs them to do it. God will meet you and take you deeper than you ever thought you could go.
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Time for victory! This powerhouse will set you on the path to understanding the way things work in God's Kingdom. Set includes four books: Blessings Flow, Winning Again, Christian Liberty, and Foundation for Understanding.
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The marriage set from Living Water Press details everything you need to know about marriage in the last day. God shares His heart like never before on a topic we badly need to understand to navigate what lies ahead.
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NEWEST BOOK! Blessings Flow (PRINT)
From heaven, blessings flow. They are literally flowing constantly from heaven to earth. But they get stopped up. If you've been following the outpouring of these books from Living Water Press which are themselves examples of blessing flow, you are apprised of the cosmic battle of the ages. You already know that while God has many plans for earth, and He is 100% faithful in every detail, satan meddles. satan messes. And one of the things he is keenly aware of is blessing flow. He does just about anything he can to stop it.<br><br>The simple solution is: Learn to keep blessing flowing! Because the devil cannot do anything you don't let him do. And if you understand the secrets that let blessing flow, you'll be unstoppable. satan won't be able to stop it, and God will continue flowing it into your life. Understand this book and start receiving all the blessing God is sending you today.
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JUST RELEASED! Laying a Foundation for Understanding (PRINT)
In Laying a Foundation for Understanding God is taking us further and deeper along the paths we must traverse if we are to rule in His Kingdom. We have spiritual discernment down. Total surrender-check. But God is causing us to rise up in an understanding way, in a knowing way. He's been holding our hand, walking us through the paces baby step by baby step. Now we're past infancy. We're beyond toddlerhood. We're youths walking in a new space, a new place. The place where rulers dwell. Knowledge, wisdom and understanding are garlands around our necks. This is the foundation understanding lays.
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Job: Sorry Comforters (PRINT)
In this book God gives an amazing revelation, a window into the timeline of the Bible. Watch Job take his place in the history of mankind. See him rightfully woven into the scriptural tapestry leading to the birth of Jesus Christ. Observe God as master and sovereign Lord over all creation working in us while expertly managing the devil who's running constant interference. Perceive how the tale of Job reveals as in a mirror the pathetic council of Job's anything-but-comforting friends. <br><br>Begin now to view your situation and your life through the lens of the ever-lasting, ever-living, ever-loving God, and understand why, if GOD IS, and if HE IS GOOD, your life is still a shambles! And yet God is true! And yet God is faithful! Comprehend how God wisely bound Himself to the laws of the Universe as the only remedy for the problem of sin in the worldAnd from His playbook know what its end will be.Your answer is here, in Job: Sorry Comforters.
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Love Must Be Free: Why Most Marriages Fail (PRINT)
God is done. He’s done waiting for people to get it. Done waiting for them to wake up from their centuries-long nap. He’s going to wake us all up, and His day will come upon most as a thief in the night. But while in this book God gives amazing, never-before-heard prophecies about the end of the world, at heart it’s about freedom from the bonds of matrimony. Jesus is come to set the marital captives free!
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No Other Gods: In God's Voice (PRINT)
The world is changing drastically. Learn what to expect and what you can do about it. <br>
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No Other gods. Keeping the Devil at bay (Volume 3) (PRINT)
This book takes it to the next level. If you are serious about kicking the devil our of your life, read this book now.
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The Prophetic Word Made More Sure: In God's voice (PRINT)
With simple words this book foretells the events the last day so you can know what's happening and what to do about it, as God tears down the kingdom of darkness and establishes His Kingdom of love.
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The Prophetic Word Made Even More Sure (Volume 3) (PRINT)
By two or three witnesses let every fact be confirmed. This is God's second confirmation of The Prophetic Word Made More Sure, Volume 2. (Volume 1 was the first.) Read these words. They are a gift from heaven to help you navigate earth's darkest hour.
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Kingdom Purpose Kingdom Power (PRINT)
This book reveals two things—two keys—to walking out our kingdom purpose in the power of the Holy Spirit. One we can be doing right now, and the other is just on the horizon. Read this book and receive fresh perspectives from on high for walking in all the heavenly fulness God has planned for us to bring to earth in these last days.
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Spirit Power: The Biblical Method of Spirit Travel (PRINT)
If we interact only intellectually with God, we’ll miss something—but not just someTHING. We’ll miss HIM. Read this book and experience God now.
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Christian Liberty: The Art of Mixing Law and Grace (PRINT)
Don't fall into either legalism or easy believism! Learn what God means by law and grace, and how to be holy without dampening the joy of your salvation.
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Winning Again: Rules of Engagement for Spiritual War (PRINT)
You operate in the dark when you do not know the spiritual laws of the universe. In this book the Lord reveals how things work so YOU WILL WIN AGAIN in spiritual war!
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Praise: The Strongest Power in the Universe (PRINT)
A Verse By Verse Commentary of the book of Psalms.<br>Praise is the strongest power in the universe. You have no idea how I bless the world when you praise Me. It’s not that your words or your songs in themselves carry any magical or mystical energy. It’s that when I hear the sweetness of your hearts attuned to Me, it sends a glorious fragrance into heaven. And whenever I smell that scent it fills me with energy and interest in blessing My pet project, earth. ~God
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Isaiah: Messiah (PRINT)
Find Messiah in the book of Isaiah!<br>Incredible insights from Jesus for you.<br>This is a verse by verse commentary of the book of Isaiah.
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Majesty (PRINT)
If you get nothing else from this book, please know this: I WIN. In the end, after this earthly battle between Me and satan is over, I WIN. Completely. Thoroughly. Death will be swallowed up in victory. There will be no grave.There will be no sin. There will be no devil. In eternity, these things will no longer exist. And what is left, what remains, will be incorruptible. It will be perfect. It will be redeemed and sanctified and holy and good. That is what I call victory. Will you join Me?—God
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