Kingdom Marriage: God's Eternal Plan (PRINT)
to redeem it all: Government—He is King; Salvation—He is
Savior; and Marriage—He is husband. The church is His bride.
Jesus never fails! And at the Marriage Supper Jesus will redeem
marriage once and for all, and marriage will succeed where it has not
succeeded before. God wins!
Everything left to man has failed. But Jesus became a man
to redeem it all: Government—He is King; Salvation—He is
Savior; and Marriage—He is husband. The church is His bride.
You see, men fail. Every man fails. But Jesus never fails! And although
God has an eternal, powerful plan for marriage, it has largely failed
because people have failed it. They’ve failed to realize the purpose
of marriage, and they’ve failed to walk in it.
But Jesus never fails! And at the Marriage Supper Jesus will redeem
marriage once and for all, and marriage will succeed where it has not
succeeded before. God wins!
In this record God defends His conception of marriage. It’s not about
romance. It’s not even primarily about us. It’s much bigger than that.
It’s about kingdom purpose and kingdom power.
Ultimately, marriage is about kingdom love which never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:8