NEWEST BOOK! Blessings Flow (PRINT)

NEWEST BOOK! Blessings Flow (PRINT)

From heaven, blessings flow. They are literally flowing constantly from heaven to earth. But they get stopped up. If you've been following the outpouring of these books from Living Water Press which are themselves examples of blessing flow, you are apprised of the cosmic battle of the ages. You already know that while God has many plans for earth, and He is 100% faithful in every detail, satan meddles. satan messes. And one of the things he is keenly aware of is blessing flow. He does just about anything he can to stop it.

The simple solution is: Learn to keep blessing flowing! Because the devil cannot do anything you don't let him do. And if you understand the secrets that let blessing flow, you'll be unstoppable. satan won't be able to stop it, and God will continue flowing it into your life. Understand this book and start receiving all the blessing God is sending you today.
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