"This book is a journey through the pages of scripture
into the present time . . . "
These are the words that came to me as I was thinking about the audio recording of The Prophetic Word Made More Sure we're in the process of recording. And it's really true. I get excited as I reread this book for the zillionth time, the way it takes you, literally, from the pages of scripture right smack dab into the modern age, and not only this age, but into this day, this hour.
It passes through Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation. Explaining. Explaining. Explaining. But it doesn't end there. It ends here, right now. In our day. And the final chapter has yet to be written, for we have yet to live it.
I want to invite you in. I'm offering this special book right now. I'm not sure how long it will be free. A few more days perhaps. https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/195187. Please take me up on this offer. Take God up on this offer. Forward it to everyone you know. God wants His message to get out. And as far as I was able, I transcribed it so that by understanding the Bible and His word, we can make the prophetic word more sure in our hearts.
The time is so short now that all things will be settled on heaven and earth. I want you to hear Jesus in these words: Download the book. Read the book. Let it change your life, for it surely will if you let it. Jesus is found in these words. Even though this volume is written in my voice, it's still His message.
I want to encourage you. I can't do any more than write the book, give it a pretty cover, and hand it to you to read. At the moment, I'm even reading it out to you in the audio book. But aside from creating it, gifting it to you, even spoon feeding its message to you, you've got to open your mouth. You've got to open your ears. It's not for naught that every letter to the seven churches in Revelation ends with the injunction, "Let him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
He is speaking. Are we listening? Let's hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches!