What to beleive About . . .
From Living Water Press
What to believe
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
1. What to believe about time & eternity
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
A big surprise in the last day . . . don't miss this teaching which reveals the compassionate heart of the Father to the enth degree and His overwhelming victory without qualification. For more on this topic look for Majesty and Eternity in the LWP bookstore.
2. What to believe about love
Don't let satan steal your joy!
Powerful, powerful lesson since the devil is trying to sow dissention in the body. His nefarious work takes root in our lives when we don't know what he's up to and we beleive his lies about our brothers and sisters in Christ.
3. What to believe about marriage
You might be surprised at what the Lord says here, but there is some incredible freedom to be found in these words. We have had this so wrong for so long . . . but He is clearning it up now.
For more on this topic, head on over to the bookstore and pick up a copy of the marriage series.
4. What to believe about the devil
These were hard lessons to learn! God was at great pains to get me to see these truths. I pray they bless you as you receive and implement them into your life.
As a follow up to this video, pick up a copy of No Other gods, Keeping the Devil at Bay. When I learned these concepts I was amazed at how much simpler my walk with the Lord became. Some struggles just weren't an issue anymore. When the Son has set you free, ye shall be free indeed!
5. What to believe about blessings
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
There are rules governing the flow of blessing! But now God is telling us what those rules are so we can be sure to receive His blessings when we need them most.
6. What to believe about Prophecy
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
Head on over to LWP bookstore and avail yourself of a copy of The Prophetic Word Made Even More Sure. Pick some up for your loved ones, too.
If you give this a chance, believe me, your only regret will be that you didn't buy more.
7. What to believe about Daniel 9
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
There is a new covenant for the body of Christ! Read the Living Water Press library to make sure you're in it. Nothing could be more important than this new covenant, and He's likely already been speaking to you about it. Learn more and ensure His protection in the last day.
8. What to believe about Sickness
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
Confession: I was stunned when God first said this to me 6 years ago. But . . . it's true. It's all true! Think of this as a firm pathway to healing!
9. What to believe about accountability
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
God doesn't only know what we know and what we don't, He also knows what we didn't WANT to know. My advice: Be willing to hear accept ANYthing from Him. Seek it as silver, receive it, and walk in it. Done.
10. What to believe about bartering
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
11. What to believe about Gender
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
12. What to believe about Government
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
13. What to believe about witchcraft
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
13. What to believe about the Law
As God is wrapping up earth’s timeline and judgment day approaches, He is correcting some of our commonly held misunderstandings. These fourteen short, pithy messages contain striking lessons you will not want to miss.
From Living Water Press
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